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Curriculum and Assessment

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure that stakeholders remain abreast of current resources and best practices to ensure student success.

Our Goals

Our goal is to build teacher capacity and improve student achievement. 

District and School Support

Builds and sustains the capacity necessary to improve the success of all students by working with schools as they endeavor to implement organizational practices that:

  • Help all students meet standards
  • Increase student achievement levels of all students
  • Select/adopt appropriate instructional materials
  • Improve teacher expertise in content knowledge and pedagogy
  • Reduce barriers to student achievement

Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a systematic, data-driven approach to academic and expected behavior instruction that benefits every student in RTI.

District and State Testing

Works with schools to ensure that district and state assessments are implemented according to protocol and data is used to effectively identify daily practices to support teaching and learning.

Test Security Plan Guidance

Test Security Plan

Special Events

The Curriculum and Assessment Department coordinates a number of academic events for students
  • District Spelling Bee
  • District Reading Fair


Literacy-Based Promotion Act

Contact Us

Yakima Johnson-Moore

Yakima Johnson-Moore

Curriculum Director
Veronica Crawford

Veronica Crawford

Administrative Assistant

MDE Resources